Megan Brown The Watcher is a new Netflix series created by Ryan Murphy (known also for recently producing the Jeffrey Dahmer Netflix series). It follows the true story of the married couple Derek and Maria Broaddus, who decide to move into their dream home: 657 Boulevard, located in Westfield,...
Monday night saw what many consider the best night in fashion: the annual Met Gala. Hosted at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan, the event aims to raise money for New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute. This year’s theme was titled “Camp: Notes on Fashion”,...
Almost a year has passed since the promise of a good story, and it’s a very scary one we’ve been waiting for. The fourth season of American Horror Story (labelled Freak Show) delivers after the interlude, and this time is at it superbly, as shivers shroud our senses from this...