• Dummies Guide To Nuclear Fusion

    In light of recent breakthroughs regarding nuclear fusion power, here’s Impact’s quick guide to this developing energy source. What is nuclear fusion? Nuclear fusion, as suggested by the name, involves the fusing together of nuclei. The sun uses it as an energy source. At the Sun’s core the temperature and pressure...
  • Impact Debates… Genetic Screening

    Genetic Screening has long been a controversial subject about whether it is right to test the genes of an unborn child without their consent to find their risk of developing genetic disorders, or potentially for selection purposes. Impact looks at both sides of the debate on whether genetic screening...
  • Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Cure the Poor?

    It is a stark reality that between 80% and 85% of the population in developing countries who are in need of a medicine cannot afford it. There is an infamous quote by Novartis officials at a 2004 World Bank meeting, “India has 50 million customers”. India has a population...
  • Nottingham’s a Hotspot for STIs

    STIs are definitely on the rise; this may seem alarming considering the continuous developments in contraceptive techniques and family planning. So what are STIs? They’re sexually transmitted diseases and infections that are passed from one person to another. These include chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital herpes, scabies, public lice,...
  • Science Societies at Nottingham

    With over 10 different science courses at The University of Nottingham there are a lot of science students out there. While your lives may seem to be taken over by chemicals, equations and labs, each course has a society to help bring some support. Impact Science takes a look...
  • What causes an Aurora?

    Last week saw the bright lights of the Aurora Borealis dancing across the skies of some of Great Britain due to two large solar flares. Aurora comes from the Latin word for sunrise. Although they are commonly known as the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) that is only when they...
  • Can ice cream be tasty and healthy?

    Let’s face it; everyone is partial to an ice cream – chocolate, strawberry or mint choc chip, whatever takes your fancy. But did you know that scientists have introduced an ingredient to make ice cream not only last longer but also lower in fat, sugar and calories? Sound too...