Freya Peake ‘We deserve to feel safe’, ‘shame on you’, ‘end violence against women’ and dozens more plaques have been placed at the Sarah Everard memorial at the top of Portland Steps in the weeks following the murder of Sarah Everard. Organised by UoN’s Feminist Society, the memorial has...
Myron reveals Ubisoft’s sickening abuse culture and their abysmal response. In the past few weeks a wave of misconduct allegations have rocked all corners of the videogame industry, from streaming to development to communities around individual games. Even Super Smash Bros!, most high-profile of all, are included in the...
The once giant of the Hollywood industry has been sentenced to 23 years in prison after being convicted of two sexual assault charges. ...
As part of a series on gender equality, the impressively talented Johanna Rickne from Sweden gave an extremely informative lecture on the challenges of sexual harassment in endangering equality in the workplace. The psychological definition of sexual harassment is, “unwanted sex-related behaviour at work”. Although Rickne points out that...
Within the global female community there is an unfair but shared knowledge that women are sexually assaulted and harassed in everyday life. This common female experience seems almost innate to women because it is something we are forced to live with. However, the sheer proliferation of the matter is...
Labour leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn recently announced that he would be willing to consider the introduction of women-only carriages on British trains, a proposal which was instantly ridiculed by Corbyn’s opponents both within and beyond the party. However, beneath the cheap political scandal that is stirred up around seemingly...