Following the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, the hashtag #DeleteFacebook was trending, and many considered jumping ship (though, according to Mark Zuckerberg, no “meaningful number” did). But the social media giant is something that a lot of people – particularly university students – use regularly as part of their everyday...
There have been several cases in the media recently about people being fired from their job, or kicked out of university, for what they post on social media. Many people disagree with this, citing freedom of speech. Surely one’s private opinion should not affect their employment? However, as soon...
In the ever-growing world of technology and social media, I think it is easy to forget that it is not part of everyone’s life. Our generation is used to technology as we were brought up with it, but what about our older generation? They have had to try to...
After causing uproar in Russia with his 2014 Oscar-winning film Leviathan, director Andrey Zvyaginstev returns with Loveless, a bleak, uncompromising story about a couple, Zhenya and Boris, going through a divorce and how they cope with the disappearance of their child, Alexey. Loveless has already obtained the Cannes Film...
Back with their third album Technology, Don Broco introduce a heavier and more complex sound than previously seen on their first two albums Priorities (2012) and Automatic (2015). The Bedford rock band showcase an experimental approach to song-writing across all fourteen tracks, with a collection of high-energy songs that...
Having occasional doubts, insecurities and anxieties is completely natural. It’s inevitable that we don’t always feel 100% good about ourselves all of the time: that’s what makes us human. However, your daily scrolling through Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and more could actually be magnifying these problems. One drastic thing...
For someone who wants to work in media, you may ask what provoked me going cold turkey from social media. I wouldn’t say I was addicted, maybe a bit reliant. What provoked this hiatus was a wide and generally miserable feeling: A deep dissatisfaction that my summer isn’t quite...