On thinking about our futures, we as university students have it hard and possibly harder now than ever before. My time at University is drawing to a close as I begin the second term of my final year at Nottingham and I cannot help but feel as though I...
Christmas is a time for laughter. For seeing friends, family, exciting days out, eating, drinking, singing, dancing, and generally feeling happier than the rest of the year. having to act happy and positive all the time is draining This is the expectation for the festive season, and for some...
With social media sites such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram becoming such a predominant part of society, it’s hardly surprising that we are all becoming a little self-absorbed. In fact, with LinkedIn and Skype becoming more prevalent in the world of work, one could argue that there is an...
Dear Auntie Carol… I have absolutely no idea what to dress as for Halloween! Can you help? Auntie Carol says… What a timely question! Welcome to an ooky spooky edition of Auntie Carol! No, we’re not going to let the fact that Halloween is TOMORROW phase us – after...
After leaving A-level pals, Year 11 friends, and hometown mates behind, university often feels like a great step forward for students eager to pursue new friendships with other students away from home. Extensive bus and train services and the omniscient powers of social media mean that old friends are...
I’m a quadruplet; I like peas but hate mushy ones; I’m obsessed with rice pudding; I love a good pair of funky trousers and I don’t understand how tall people comfortably fit in beds. I’ve got all these things about me and whirring around in my little head and...
For the first time in UK history, it has come to the public’s attention that suicide rates amongst students have topped those of non-students. The figures have risen by 56% between 2007 and 2016, according to a conference in New Zealand, and though it is not specified what type...