The original Netflix superhero series returns for its third outing, and demonstrates the art of simplicity with a scaled-back, but nonetheless engaging, tale about vengeance, betrayal and manipulation. Following his apparent death at the end of The Defenders in 2017, blind lawyer Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) proves to be very much...
The first of four collaborations between Marvel Studios and online streaming service Netflix, Marvel’s Daredevil is a fascinating depiction of good versus evil at its core. Marvel’s latest foray in television (or web television in this case) convinces beyond doubt; while Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. largely recovered from a sluggish start,...
It already looks better than the film, but that was not a difficult challenge. April 10 will bring every episode of Daredevil to Netflix. At a glance this may not be what fans expected from Marvel, due to their current popular shows like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. which take a...
With less than a month remaining until the new semester gets started, we’ve got some suggestions for you to cram in before your summer of Netflix is departed. Bharat bestows the latest in our next best recommendations on Netflix. X-Men Considered a catalyst for 90’s comic book cartoon adaptations,...