Córa-Laine Moynihan The film industry has been taken by storm by book adaptations in recent years, however, while many of these have succeeded, others remain forgettable. Film genre after film genre has jumped on the book adaptation bandwagon and experimented with this creative inspiration. From teen-fiction, to taking on...
Warning: minor spoilers for IT: Chapter 2. The sequel to the much-celebrated IT has finally arrived, and brought one of King’s most famous properties fully to life. Unfortunately, not all sequels can live up to the hype of the original. Andy Muschietti made a brave decision when deciding to split...
From being forced to watch both versions of The Woman in Black during my GCSE’s and spending the greater part of them hidden behind my coat, I started to wonder how my peers could take enjoyment from what I thought to be such a tortuous activity. The idea that...
In 1957, 5-year-old Georgie Denbrough looks for his paper boat that has fallen inside of a storm drain in a street in the town of Derry, Maine. Inside the dark, he is faced with a pair of shining yellow eyes, a face covered in circus makeup, one hand holding...
With an attempt to franchise The Dark Tower, Pennywise the clown terrorising audiences in what is set to be film of the year, and Netflix’s attempt to redo cult classic The Mist, it’s been raining Steven King adaptations this year. Seemingly overshadowed its siblings, however, September brought us the...
Horror gets a little more visceral as we move into the second half of our journey. The relaxation of film censorship and changes in social attitudes in the 1970s meant that producers could churn out the kind of bloodthirsty cinema that would have been unthinkable a decade before. X-rated...
August is always an interesting time in the film calendar. As networks prepare for the jam-packed ‘fall TV’ schedule, studios release projects that are too quirky to be considered awards bait, too avant-garde to be labelled tent-pole movies. With that in mind, this month brings a veritable pick-and-mix of...