I must start with a confession. Cardiff Metropolitan University has recently chosen to ban words they deemed politically incorrect. The list includes words ‘manpower’, and ‘sportsmanship’. On first reading, I found myself rarely, and rather worryingly, agreeing with the Daily Mail, who branded the decision as ridiculous. I couldn’t...
Two year degree courses at universities in England look set to be introduced under new government plans, costing an eye-watering £14,000 a year, despite the reduced length of the degree. While some have argued that this will be beneficial to mature students and the like, arguably this is a...
Veganism is on the rise – that much is undeniable. Insert stat here. However, this animal-loving lifestyle comes at a price, and often a very literal one – veganism is usually seen as one of the most expensive diets to have, usually due to the higher price of dairy...
It is a reasonable assumption to say that most students want to do their bit to help save the planet. This becomes a little daunting, however, when the world is described as a polluted, unethical, and often unsustainable mess, created by the generations before us and left for us to clear...
He is beauty, he is grace. He’s a tyrannical sexist fatcat. And Nottingham has had Trump on the brain for quite a while now. But just what do we think of our American ‘friend’? “People of all ages seemed to be voicing their compassion for refugees and for women”...
Donald Trump begins building an America that everybody can understand, but nobody can believe in. The cultural identity of America is changing. Theresa May’s assurances over American support for NATO being described as a political ‘win’ shows just how different the world’s expectations are when dealing with the US....
It’s been around for years, developed a cult following and one Impact editor has already hailed the establishment as “biblical”. At this point, it’s a bit of an open secret so, unfortunately, this can’t be an exclusive. But it’s still massive news. Somewhere in the depths of Lenton, there...