Sexpression is a national charity who advocate for the implementation of mandatory sexual consent training by universities. Last month, their Nottingham branch teamed up with UoN’s Feminist Society and others to organise a rally through campus. The purpose of this rally was to support their open letter to the...
Daniel Matthan With campuses in three countries, its respectable age, and status as a founding member of the Russel Group, the University of Nottingham’s academic profile should expect to impress. Appearances can mislead, however. The ageing, more allegedly arbitrary perceptions of reputation are increasingly cast aside in favour of...
Urmi Pandit With millions of innocent Ukrainian civilians displaced from their homes and normal lives, it is vital that the rest of the world do whatever they can to show support for those families who are suffering, and provide as much care as possible. As a student, you may...
Amidst the continuing strikes from UCU members, Maia Mason interviewed Agnes Flues, President of the UoN UCU branch committee, to learn more about the reasons for the strikes and their impact upon staff, as well as the importance of solidarity from students....
The strikes and occupying of university buildings, which took place primarily in Torrington Square, London on the 2nd March, focused on reuniting students and standing in solidarity to campaign for the mending of the education system which has failed so many of us. There was a great turn out...
Jamey Heron-Waterhouse I’m sure we all have an assumption of how the students at Oxford University live, right? Well, as a visitor there, I was both pleasantly surprised and predictably humoured by the antiquated yet entertaining formalities, as well as some of the informalities, that occur inside the ivy-covered...
Poppy Read-Pitt The rivalry between The University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University is one of the most well-known university rivalries in the UK. University of Nottingham student Poppy Read-Pitt examines how the rivalry originates from classist ideas surrounding working class access to higher education. Please don’t get me...