Daria Paterek The early 2010’s film industry was dominated by adaptations of young adult dystopian fiction. Producing classics such as The Hunger Games (2012), The Maze Runner (2014), and Divergent (2014) alongside less popular adaptations such as The Giver (2014), The 5th Wave (2016), and Ready Player One (2018)-...
The Hunger Games is coming to an end, opening a gap in the Young Adult film market. The second of three expected Maze Runner films, Scorch Trials is a definite step up from the first, and in many ways, surpasses elements of The Hunger Games franchise. The kids may...
With the maze trials now over and phase two beginning for Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) and the Gladers, it’s time to enter the Scorch in this dystopian teen fiction sequel. Picking up straight from where last year’s The Maze Runner left off, we delve straight back into the action, and with...