On 14th December, a brand-new story in the universe of Netflix’s Stranger Things opened its doors at the Phoenix Theatre in London’s West End. Set 25 years before the series, Stranger Things: The First Shadow follows a young Henry Creel as he moves to the town of Hawkins to...
The Full Monty is a show based on the 1997 film of the same title, surrounding a group of unemployed men forming a male strip tease act, and it has just begun its run here in Nottingham. Impact's Rebecca Norris and Isabelle Wileman review....
Hayley Lawson The Rocky Horror Show came to Nottingham’s Royal Concert Hall for its 50th Anniversary and after 50 years, it did not disappoint. Impact’s Hayley Lawson reviews. Growing up with a love for Rocky Horror, I was undoubtedly shivering with anticipation for the show, and it did not...
Nottingham Playhouse Theatre performed an outdoor performance of the Shakespeare classic Twelfth Night. Impact’s Hayley Lawson reviews....
The West End success Pride and Prejudice* (*sort of), which won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Comedy in 2022, comes to the Nottingham Theatre Royal between 27th March and 1st of April. The play is a unique retelling of Jane Austen’s beloved and iconic love story between Elizabeth...
The raucous comedy, Village Idiot, written by Samson Hawkins, was performed at Nottingham Playhouse. The play incorporated musical numbers, magic, drag and stand-up onto the stage whilst the story gave a unique perspective into the lives of villagers amidst gentrification progression. Impact’s Kyra Patterson reviews....
The stage adaptation of the hit movie-musical Mamma Mia! is touring the UK and is here in Nottingham at the Theatre Royal to entertain us with some of the most dance-able and emotional ABBA hits. The movie itself is jam-packed with ABBA's greatest hits and there are even more...