Adapted by David Edgar and directed by Kate Saxton, the infamous tale of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde has been electrified on stage in this production. A haunting, dramatic and disturbing play, it explores the hidden evils behind the façade of middle class 19th century London. Like other classic...
After winning the Olivier Award in 1983, Willy Russell’s Blood Brother’s rapidly became one of the most critically acclaimed performances to date. With popularity barely diminished, the show came to Nottingham Theatre Royal in an attempt to steal our hearts and make us cry. And I can confirm, this...
When it comes to tried, tested, and loved musicals, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is among the top. Its unbelievably catchy music is written by Andrew Lloyd Webber, along with unforgettable lyrics by Tim Rice, two of the biggest names in the musical theatre world. Set alongside a...
Based on the best-selling novel by Mark Haddon, and turned into a play by Simon Stephens of Punk Rock fame, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time was bound to be an out-and-out success. And the National Theatre’s production, on tour at the moment at the Theatre...
Not normally one for horrors, my initial impressions were fuelled by excitement and nervousness. Naturally, the play is not a ‘blood guts and all thing gory’ horror, but one that does keep you tense and makes you jump at all the right moments. If it’s a thrill you like,...
Playing at the Theatre Royal until Saturday 18th February, the latest production of La Cage aux Folles is full of all the glitz and glamour of the cabaret, the slapstick of the pantomime, and an unusual yet somehow familiar plot-line. It’s a show that must be seen, and a truly...
Having seen the film version recently, I sat down with both excitement and trepidation at the musical adaptation of the Whoopi Goldberg classic. With all the glitz and glam of the ’80s showcased through a great soundtrack, costume and lighting, Sister Act and its talented cast most definitely got...