Alice Bennett Long before Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s teenage vampire romance sparkled on our screens, The Lost Boys (1987) was the quintessential teen vampire film. Having been overlooked in recent years, it is important to revisit the movie and appreciate its undeniable influence on later portrayals of vampire...
Sam Barnes When we discuss actors in defining roles, often spanning decade-long franchises, there are three factors which are used to judge whether the role ultimately boosted or impeded their career. The star’s growth of wealth, popularity gained from these performances, and the prominence they have in continuing mainstream...
Alex Tyndall A few decades ago, you probably would not have been overly familiar with the term ‘fanfiction’. Now, every fourth-wall-breaking piece of media and their cat seems to have an episode dedicated to the subject. This isn’t to say that ‘fanfiction’ was completely unheard of; the word was...
The first Twilight movie premiered on 21st November 2008, and the ten-year anniversary of the beginning of the franchise that broke many box office records started a lot of conversations on topics that would not have been discussed as openly ten years ago. Catherine Hardwicke directed the first movie...
As a teenager, I whiled away many an hour watching high school romcoms with my friends, my mum and by myself – my favourite being The Breakfast Club. I’d laugh, cheer, yell and cry my way through the romanticised secondhand embarrassment of adolescence over and over again… but something...
Let’s wave goodbye to 2015! Good times, bad times we’ve had them all – but you know what they say, as one door closes, another one opens. Over the coming month we’ll be bringing you a snapshot of everything 2016 has to offer – the good, the bad and the ugly. Hold...
Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Pacific Rim) and novelist Chuck Hogan have merged to create a masterpiece of a thriller in FOX’s The Strain, a televised adaptation of their co-authored trilogy of vampire novels released in 2009. This dark horror-drama follows an investigation into a mysterious virus that causes its...