Alexandra Broadhurst College student Jack Sweeney became known in 2022 for creating Twitter bots that tracked the private jet usage of public figures including Elon Musk, Taylor Swift, and a series of Russian oligarchs. What started as an experiment following his personal interests in computer science and aviation has...
Emma Burgess Taylor Swift has become the latest target of deepfake creators, casting a spotlight on an emerging threat: Increasingly, individuals within the public eye are fighting against a new method of harassment, designed to humiliate celebrities, and strip them of their right to privacy. Hardcore videos of a...
Alfie Johnson In a world brimming with global events, from elections to conflicts, the flow of accurate information is pivotal to our understanding of the unfolding narratives. Imagine if you had to question whether you could trust the news that you turned on every morning. However, the rise of...
Hannah Bentley Andrew Tate, the 36-year-old former kick boxer and self-proclaimed misogynist, was arrested in December last year for allegations of human trafficking, rape and being part of an organised crime group. Hannah Bentley delves into the investigation and how this has affected his online influence. Alongside his brother,...
Ed Farley On Halloween, Heartstopper breakout star Kit Connor took to Twitter to come out as bisexual. In the tweet, he blames his fans for forcing him to come out, before he was necessarily ready. In this article, Ed Farley rejects the accusation that Kit Connor was queerbaiting and...
Modern social media platforms have become hubs for controversy in 2022. Business magnate and CEO, Elon Musk, has produced his fair share of questionable tweets in the past, and it seems that he is back for another round. Lorenzo Capito explores the impacts of Musk's recent tweet about Ukraine,...
After 18 years of production and years of petitions calling for a change to the heteronormative family narrative of the children's show Peppa Pig, its creators have finally introduced a same-sex couple. Many people have celebrated this as a landmark moment in the pursuit of LGBTQ+ education for children,...