• Changes Made By the SU Despite ‘No’ Vote

    On the 19th of February, students at the University of Nottingham voted ‘no’ to the Students’ Union Democratic Review. Out of the 1,344 votes cast there were 961 votes against the motion to make a number of fundamental changes to the Union’s constitution. Just two days after the results...
  • Coronavirus Interview with Sophie Hunt

    An interview with University of Nottingham alumnus and former Impact Online Editor, Sophie Hunt, reveals her experience of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan....
  • Ice Ice Ladies: Ice Hockey, A Female Perspective

    If you have properly immersed yourself in Nottingham’s culture, then you will know about the ice hockey buzz that surrounds the National Ice Centre – be it the Panthers, the Mavericks, the Vipers, the Lions, the list of teams (and aggressive animal names) goes on. With children as young...
  • The Launch of Nottingham’s Consent Coalition

    Olivia reports on the launch of Nottingham’s new Consent Coalition -  a local initiative working to raise awareness of the importance of consent, challenge myths about sexual violence and encourage survivors to access support....
  • Democratic Review 19/20: Interview with Cassie Ulrich

    Cassie Ulrich is the Education Officer at the University of Nottingham. This role involves co-leading the Education Network and the more than 700 students that represent students’ academic experience to the Schools, Faculties and University.  In your words, what exactly is the Democratic Review 19/20? The Democratic Review is an...
  • Democratic Review 19/20: Interview with Lee Taylor

    Lee Taylor is the Environmental and Social Justice Officer at the University of Nottingham’s Students’ Union. This role encourages the SU to make a bigger impact into environmental and societal issues, both in the student community and further afield. For example, strengthening and reforming the ESJ Network, expanding Sustainability Week...
  • University Strikes Again!

    The UCU have announced 14 strike days that will span February and March affecting universities across the country including the University of Nottingham. The strikes begin with a two-day walkout that will take place on Thursday 20 February and will culminate with a full week beginning on Monday 9thMarch....