With the Second World War and its after effects dominating the previous decade, the 1950’s saw a huge increase in the production of science fiction and horror films. In particular, this decade has become known for the vast amount of monster movies released. The cause of this influx may...
Following the epic-scale feature as seen in the last issue (#236) of IMPACT, our writers bring you an even larger group of even more varied cinematic cogitations, from the history of the blockbuster to far reaches of film history with the first animated feature and German Expressionism. Below are the clickable...
Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds combines H.G. Wells’ science fiction narrative with obliterating every single convention of popular music. Opening the record with the steady pound of Disco, a symphonic orchestra, elongated guitar solos and mind-bending sound effects: it could only have come from the madness of the 70’s....