Tom Watchorn continues to review the Mayhem Film Festival for Impact Film & Television. Day Three After the surprise disappointment of Day Two’s final film Stung, it was something of a reassurance that Day Three – the first of the two true marathon sessions and in hindsight prime for...
Mayhem is one of the cornerstones of Nottingham’s film culture. Hosted by Broadway cinema, each year it brings a fascinating flavour of niche film-making to a wider audience. With 17 films shown in 4 days, there’s bound to be something which grabs your interest. Earlier in the week we...
Ambition. The driving force of all the arts, ambition was as much the subject of 2014’s cinematic output as it was the modus operandi. From the pseudo-philosophical posturing of Interstellar to the Achilles heel of tragic protagonists (Inside Llewyn Davis, Starry Eyes), ambition has proved a millstone just as...
At the end of this October Nottingham’s own world famous Mayhem Film Festival returns for its tenth anniversary, taking over Broadway Cinema for four days of preview screenings, Q&As and live rock band accompaniments. Impact are here to give you a taste of what to look forward to over those...