Daria Paterek After the recent release of the Uncharted trailer, I wanted to reflect on the legacy and commercial success of video game to film adaptations. Super Mario Bros was the first movie based on a video game, which began a long legacy of video game adaptations. This later spawned...
Quentin Tarantino will forever be known as one of Hollywood’s most iconic directors. His movies have been enshrined into cult legend, yet this year’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has the potential to rival his very best works. Hailed as a black comedy crime film written and directed...
When you say the word ‘Frozen’, images of talking snowmen and catchy songs come to mind. Yet the trailer for Frozen II appears as far removed from its predecessor as you could imagine. There are no musical numbers, princesses in castles or cutesy romance scenes that you might expect...
Opening with a shot of the old London house we know so well, with a strangely-familiar tune building in the background, the new trailer for Mary Poppins Returns creates a crescendo of colour, noise, and action, and sends everyone who loved the first film into a flurry of excitement....
The new trailer for yet another of Disney’s live action remakes of a beloved animated classic is here. Looking more realistic than before, featuring plenty of old favourites but also lots of new stuff, there’s a handful of hints that maybe this version will be darker than the original....
Released in 2016, Deadpool was a wonderfully hilarious, action-packed movie, starring Ryan Reynolds as everyone’s favourite anti-hero. The fourth-wall breaks were phenomenal, and the story was surprisingly outstanding. It was a great breath of fresh air compared to the usual portrayals of Marvel’s heroes. It was a phenomenal success,...
Seen by many as Toy Story for the world of video games, Wreck-It Ralph was an instant hit among Disney fans. Giving the point of view of a misunderstood villain teaming up with an adorable glitch trapped within a racing game, it was a heart-warming film loved by all....