Rebecca Herman
2020 has been one hell of a year! In all the chaos and frenzy, it is now more important than ever to give back to our local communities. Giving back does not have to be costly, especially in a year which has been difficult for so many, in so many ways. This short list suggests five ways to give back to our communities. They say ‘good things come in small packages’, which is definitely true this year…
Donating blood:
Up and down the country, the NHS are constantly looking for people to donate blood. They need a huge 400 new donors each day to meet demand and have specifically asked for ‘more young people to start giving blood’ to ensure supplies for the future. Giving blood directly saves lives, and all it costs is an hour of your time every few months (and you get a yummy snack afterwards! “KitKat or Digestives?” hhmm, I’ll take both!)

This is me giving blood!
Become a telephone friend for the older members of our communities:
Many charities, including Age UK, provide a voluntary telephone service to support the elderly members of our wider communities. Based on your interests and hobbies, Age UK matches you with a like-minded person to call on a weekly basis.
This role is increasingly crucial in today’s climate of uncertainty and allows you to offer support and advice from anywhere in the country. Becoming a telephone friend is massively rewarding and special; it just proves how a short conversation a week can make a huge difference to someone else.
Donating food after your food shop:
Big food shops are notorious this time of year. Filling our trolleys up with biscuits selection boxes and large bottles of Rioja is one of the many joys of the holiday season. On the way out of the supermarket you may notice donations boxes, there to collect food for those less fortunate.
No one should be without a meal this winter, so as you’re gallivanting round the shop floor pick up a couple of tins of soup or beans and drop them into the box on your way out. For such a small price, this act of kindness can make a big impact.
You could even sell clothes via eBay or Depop and donate the money raised
Giving your old clothes to charity:
After an eventful Black Friday and Cyber Monday, not to mention the generosity of Santa this year, it’s fair to say most of us have a few old jumpers ready for a new home. Despite it being incredibly easy to leave the skeletons of our former selves stuffed at the back of the cupboard, there are many people who could benefit from some extra clothing, or from the money raised by selling them.
There are quite a few ways to donate your old clothes: for the lucky ones in tiers 1 or 2, you may be able to donate your garments in charity shops on your local high streets. But for those in tier 3, don’t stress – find your nearest clothes bin and donate them that way! You could even sell clothes via eBay or Depop and donate the money raised. No matter which route you take, sorting through your old clothes is a fantastic way to give back.
Get creative with glitter and glue, or maybe think of a fun poem or drawing for the left side of the card
Posting seasonal greetings card to your neighbours:
Whether hand-made or shop bought, posting greeting cards to your neighbours is a great way to show people that they are not alone this holiday season. Especially with COVID-19, there are more people feeling isolated, and a card is great way to stay connected.
Get creative with glitter and glue, or maybe think of a fun poem or drawing for the left side of the card. You could also offer to go shopping or run errands for those who may be shielding or nervous to go out – another simple, but amazing way to help.
Whether you get inspired by the list above or think of your own creative way to give back, helping those around us is what the holiday season is all about!
Rebecca Herman
Featured image courtesy of Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.
In article image courtesy of Rebecca Herman.
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