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Funding Approved For Newark Castle Repairs

India Marriott

£570,000 of funding has been approved for repairs on Newark Castle by Newark and Sherwood District Council. Impact’s India Marriott reports on the new investment.

The funding, which was has been allocated for urgent repairs, is just the start of a decades-long process to repair the castle. The work is expected to cost around £955,000, ensuring the castle’s presence as a pivotal part of Newark’s future. 

Construction of the castle began in 1123, with the purpose of being a bishop’s palace. Since, the castle has seen the death of King John in 1216, three sieges by Parliamentarian rebels during the English Civil War, and the addition of a new garden in honour of Queen Victoria.

Speaking on the repairs, Labour councillor Paul Peacock said: “The castle is an asset and we need to make sure that we can protect that for the next 50-60 years.”

“It is absolutely full of history”

Furthermore, Tory councillor Roger Jackson said: “We have a potential there with Newark castle, its walls and surroundings are probably some of the best in the country.

“It is absolutely full of history and if we marketed it right, it could be a revenue stream going forward. Then it could have its own sinking fun for its repairs.”

India Marriott

Featured image courtesy of Jessica Paterson on Flickr. Image licence found here. No changes were made to this image.

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