
The Psychology Behind Getting Dressed for the Day

Kate Hayhurst

It has been proven that people would rather turn up to an event overdressed rather than underdressed. Clothing is an essential part of our culture, and social media has enhanced this through Instagram accounts such as Vogue and TikTok showing off recent outfits. However, getting dressed up for the simplest activities, such as going to the shops or studying in the library, is becoming more popular with people wanting to look their best at all times. In this article, I will explore the reasons why we enjoy dressing up, the effects it has on us, and the benefits it offers.


Wearing clothes that fit well and align with your style instantly makes you feel more comfortable in your skin. It doesn’t always matter how the clothes look but more how they make you feel within yourself. Confidence is subjective, so wearing clothes that align with your style rather than simply adhering to societal standards is crucial. When you are not worrying about your outfit and how you look, the energy can instead be placed on tasks and getting involved in activities without getting distracted.  It is crucial to note that boosting your self-confidence can significantly enhance your social interactions. Feeling good about your appearance can increase your self-assurance and make you more open to engaging with others. Clothes can almost give you the confidence to speak up for your beliefs.  

Psychologically, wearing smart, more put-together outfits means that your brain will be influenced to become more focused.

Aligning our Identity to a Group

The way we choose to dress is a reflection of our identity and personality. Our clothing choices can say a lot about us and how we want to be perceived by others. It’s a way to express ourselves and convey our identity without saying a word. We can also use our clothing to showcase our values, whether through slogans on our tops or badges on our jackets, which can help start conversations and attract like-minded individuals.

In addition, dressing with our identity in mind can also help us connect with new people and expand our social circles. It’s always refreshing to meet people with similar values and interests, and dressing in a way that reflects our individuality can make us more approachable to those who share those same passions. In this way, dressing can help us feel like we’re part of a community and something bigger than ourselves.

Dressing up can be a powerful tool in boosting our self-esteem and providing us with the confidence to tackle life’s challenges head-on.

Improving our Emotion and Motivations

Studies have shown that when we dress in smarter clothes, we can experience a boost in positive emotions, making us feel more motivated and energetic throughout the day. Brighter clothes mean a brighter mood! Therefore, if you often find yourself reaching for a darker hoodie or more casual attire when feeling down, grabbing a brighter piece of clothing might be better occasionally to boost your mood. Doing so has a positive impact on your overall mood and outlook. 

In addition to this, wearing smart attire to work can be used as a motivating tool and increase productivity. Psychologically, wearing smart, more put-together outfits means that your brain will be influenced to become more focused. While changing your outfit, you are also changing your brain into another mindset, saying goodbye to maybe a lounging version of yourself to a more productive self. It increases the pressure of the task- if you have made an effort to dress up, the effort must also be applied to the work that needs to be done!

New Clothes = New You!

Life is full of ups and downs; sometimes, significant events can signal a new chapter. Whether going through a breakup, starting a new job, or moving to a new city, these moments can be exciting and daunting. It’s natural to want to make a change and start fresh, and one way that many people choose to do this is by refreshing their wardrobe. Refreshing your wardrobe is more than just buying new clothes. It’s a symbolic gesture that represents creating a new version of yourself and embracing a new pathway in life. 

By letting go of old clothes that may hold negative memories or associations, you can begin to make space for new experiences and opportunities. The process of refreshing your wardrobe can be very empowering. It’s a way to regain control of your life and make positive changes. Focusing on something as simple as your wardrobe can build your self-esteem and gain the confidence to tackle more significant challenges.

To conclude, dressing up has a significant impact on our confidence, identity, emotions, and motivation. It allows us to express ourselves, connect with others, and signify new beginnings. Dressing up can be a powerful tool in boosting our self-esteem and providing us with the confidence to tackle life’s challenges head-on. So, the next time you’re feeling down or need a little motivation, try dressing up and see how it can positively impact your mindset and outlook on life.

Kate Hayhurst

Featured image courtesy of Thought Catalog via Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image. 

In article image 1 courtesy of @britishvogue via No changes were made to this image. 

In article image 2 courtesy of @styledumonde via No changes were made to this image. 

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