James Warrell The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an open-world action RPG developed by Bethesda Studios. Yet despite being released in 2011, Skyrim continues to be a widely talked about and popular RPG, with fans constantly inquiring about the release of The Elder Scrolls VI. James delves into the...
Daria Paterek After the recent release of the Uncharted trailer, I wanted to reflect on the legacy and commercial success of video game to film adaptations. Super Mario Bros was the first movie based on a video game, which began a long legacy of video game adaptations. This later spawned...
Emily Fletcher The darker hours and the colder nights have led many of us to snuggle up under our sheets. What’s a better way to spend your evening than hiding away in your bed and immersing yourself in a new game? Emily talks about Cozy Grove, which was gifted...
The final free update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons has just been announced. With a plethora of new content available, James asks: is now the time to jump back in?... -
Alice Bennett There has been growing online discourse about whether disabilities should be included in The Sims franchise. As a result, Alice asks, ‘For a game that represents life, shouldn’t The Sims represent all aspects of it?’ Issues remain with inclusion in the game, including the lack of representation...
James Warrell James delves into the Smash Presents announcement, where director Sakurai uncovered that Sora will be the last fighter added to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Costumes First and foremost, let’s get the least interesting part of this reveal out of the way: the costumes. Although the Judd and...
Alex Tyndall Minecraft has increasingly been growing in popularity, despite already being a worldwide phenomenon. Alex dives into the reasoning behind this as she explores ‘the game that fills a block-sized hole in our hearts’. I was first introduced to Minecraft at the tender, impressionable age of 12, just...