• Photograph of a globe resting on grass

    Climate Events Of 2020

    Rebecca Herman 2020 has been a roller-coaster from the very start; testing our climate to the max and exhausting all it has to offer. Unlike many of our personal lives, the climate stopped for nothing this year and really proved its power to us. From fires, to greenhouse gases,...
  • Photograph of The Royal Institution Faraday Lecture Theatre

    The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures: A History

    Christina Giallombardo Everyone has their own Christmas traditions. Perhaps you like opening your advent calendar every day, decorating your Christmas tree, or going carolling. But what about watching the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures? The Lectures have been held every Christmastime since 1825, hosted by the Royal Institution, with the...
  • Photograph of the night sky in Oria, Italy in which the superconjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is highlighted

    The Great Conjunction 2020: Celebrating The Winter Solstice

    Adam Goriparthi In a celestial phenomenon termed ‘The Great Conjunction’, Jupiter and Saturn are set to align just in time for Christmas – appearing so close that they look like they have become ‘one’. The celestial giants will be particularly close together this month in a spectacle that will...
  • COVID-19: How Long Does Immunity Last?

    Adam Goriparthi Half a year after infection, people who have recovered from COVID-19 still have antibodies against the virus which may drive long-lasting immunity. Recent findings suggest that cases of reinfection may be infrequent due to certain types of immune cells continuing to protect people against the severe acute...
  • How Does The Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine Work?

    Sarvenaz Hosseini The news has been full of reports about the new vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech. But how does it actually work? Impact writer and Pharmacy PhD student, Sarvenaz Hosseini explains. How Do Vaccines Work? Vaccination involves introducing the body to a weakened or inactivated pathogen so that in the...
  • Turning The Tide On Climate Change: Carbon Taxes And Ecocide Laws

    Hannah Pink A few weeks ago, I spoke about how COVID has started to change the way we think about the environment. I touched upon some radical solutions such as carbon budgeting and taxing which have been suggested. At the time, I thought although it would be needed to...
  • Bowhead whale in icy waters in Greenland

    New Study Aids Scientists In Protecting Bowhead Whales

    Conducted by scientists at the New England Aquarium’s Cabot Center for Ocean Life in the US, a new study has uncovered ways to potentially protect bowhead whales from harmful human interference....