Black Panther, released in cinemas on 12th February, was the final Marvel film before the long awaited Avengers: Infinity War, which will bring the last 10 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to a conclusion. So what loose ends has it tied up and what have we learned? Spoilers...
To kick things off in March, it’s the 90th Academy Awards. But in a business that’s always looking for that ‘New Thing’, the past twelve months’ worth of awards hype will be rendered meaningless within a week. Instead, it’s onto the next batch of hopefuls. After all, let’s not...
It is a widely accepted notion that opera is elitist and inaccessible for many people in our society, but this stereotype means that many people are missing out on the excitement and joy of the opera. Millions of British people have never attended an opera performance for fear that...