With the New Year upon us, Impact Arts decided to give you some inspiration of how to pimp up your bookshelf to make it as fly as you are, adding some life lessons into the mix. A lover of the natural world and nature, this shelfie belongs to a forest...
With the New Year upon us, Impact Arts decided to give you some inspiration of how to pimp up your bookshelf to make it as fly as you are, adding some life lessons into the mix. An exotic traveller, the elephant and French postcards hint at past travels. Clearly not...
The Death of the Author has turned into the Death of the Novel. With many traditional plot devices centring on chance meetings and misdirected letters, unless they want to have their work stuck in the past forever, authors are looking into new ways to make books work. But with...
I was an anxious mess on Results Day. I could barely believe it when I looked on UCAS Track and realised I had been accepted at the University of Nottingham to study English and Philosophy. When I shared my excitement with others however, not everyone was pleased for me....
Van Gogh, Picasso, Da Vinci and Michelangelo are all artists whose art has inspired and entertained generations. The Mona Lisa still encourages flocks of snap-happy tourists to gaze upon her smile with wonder and excitement every single day. However, the landscape of art is constantly changing and many modern artists...
As part of Impact Arts’s new series of articles, our Arts Editors and contributors are putting their lives on the line by trying out a variety of different societies and artistic things, so you guys can read about it and laugh/want to get involved yourself! This week, we Arts...
We couldn’t narrow it down to just five, so here Impact Arts presents our favourite arty spaces in Nottingham… Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery: Nottingham Castle is perhaps Nottingham’s most iconic building, and contains a wealth of art and artefacts to satisfy even the most curious of minds. They...