The last of our six Fresher’s Memoirs, Arts Editor Esther herself reflects her own Fresher’s memory in ‘The Bar Crawl’ Clad in a short tartan skirt and a red vest top, I drunkenly stumbled down the road following the dregs of music and conversation that drifted towards me like...
Laura’s short story reflects on the struggles faced as a young woman starting university. From an early age, I was taught never go anywhere on your own. To take my sister everywhere with me. Especially to public toilets. You hear stories, don’t you? Just last week, as well. All...
A new year, a new start. I’ve been here before / It’s all new to me. Just the same old / A strange, different timetable, campus, ID, IT. Last year seems suddenly so far away as I walk into this new term, so Similar / Different compared to last...
Any First Years wishing to subscribe to the C-card scheme – which allows you to collect free condoms from the Cripp’s Health Clinic – please wait behind after dinner and speak to the nurse at seven. A look goes up and down the long table in the middle of...
For Day 2 of our Fresher’s Memoirs, Holly provides a touching poem of Night one at university, waiting for a message from her long-distance partner. Night one without him is not lonely yet, but too quiet. It is not yet cold, in fact it’s quite muggy, but I can...
So here you are. First day of university life. Sat upon a freshly made bed, your mum’s parting gift, trying to get your head around the fact that you’re actually here. You made it. Months of studying, then a summer of anticipation, researching what to bring to uni, societies,...
At the beginning of the month both myself and Georgia Butcher made our way down to Lakeside Arts for a private view of Manuscripts and Special Collections latest exhibit: ‘A Selection of Elections’. Curated by Kathryn Summerwill and officially opened by Val Wood of the Nottingham Women’s History group,...