Jack Richardson You know that feeling when you discover a new show, and it’s everything you love? Smart, funny, creepy, wildly imaginative, and it slams you in the feels like a heavyweight champion? You know that feeling when a show sets your imagination alight? And you devour every theory...
Ryan Keane The Boy from the Wild is an upcoming documentary about one man’s experience growing up on a South African game reserve. Emotionally driven with an educational edge, it inspires deep thought in its viewers. Peter Meyer, the documentary’s director and star, speaks to me about his unbelievable...
Adam Feeley As the virtual ceremony came to an end, it became clear that zoom awards show don’t work. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler failed to recapture the magic of their previous hosting gigs, as Fey hosted from New York and Poehler from Los Angeles. They are at their...
Talia Krais Crime TV dramas are at an all-time high during lockdown with the disturbing real-life story of psychopath Charles Sobhraj (Alain) in The Serpent topping the list. This display of seduction, disguise, murder, and theft characterises the darkness of the hippie trail during 1970s, alerting viewers to the dangers...
Sarah Harris Warning: Spoilers ahead It was difficult to understand what direction the creators of the Disney+ series, WandaVision, were headed in early on in the series. The show follows on from the aftermath of Thanos’s demise and follows characters, Wanda Maximoff and the resurrected Vision, in a post...
Annabelle Underdown Malcom & Marie (2021), written and directed by Sam Levinson, the creator of the critically acclaimed series Euphoria, is a film that attempts to depict the volatility of relationships. However, the potential to explore the complexities of a relationship connected to drug addiction and fame, is superseded...
Daria Paterek Following the critical acclaim for recent film Nomadland, an American drama film, written, directed, and edited by Chloé Zhao, it is no surprise that Zhao won the prize of Best Director at the Golden Globes. After Nomadland achieved 167 awards and 122 nominations, it is only logical that...