Only two days after the Conservative’s Annual Party conference, the new Blade Runner film (set in a dystopia populated by human-like robots) was released. Shockingly appropriate, it seems, as our country’s most prominent robot attempted to punch the right keys with the general public in a well written, empty...
Crowded on the narrow patio of Rescue Rooms was one of the most colourful, glittery and fabulous groups of people I think I’ve ever seen. There were queens towering over everyone in 10-inch platforms, all white outfits, excited 20-somethings with glitter beards and lashes for days – even me,...
The Impact Features’ astrologer, Holly Wilson, is back with her insights into how your November will play out as well as the best songs for you to listen to this month, depending on your star sign. Aries (March 21- April 19) You’ve been stuck in a rut for a...
The Oxford English Dictionary defines fresher as a “young frog”. In many ways, we are all young frogs. Born small into the big pond flailing, thrust into a world we know nothing of, battling to stay afloat amidst the copious amounts of liquid swirling around us (the liquid in...
Wondering what your Freshers’ Week has in store for you? Impact Feature’s Holly Wilson gives her predictions for the most exciting week of the year based on your star sign: Capricorn – The Local 22nd December – 19th January You’re a personal tour guide to all your new friends, offering...
I have recently been faced with a dilemma of whether or not to give someone information, constructive criticism you could say, but I feel they will just take it as a personal slight. This problem of whether honesty is always the best policy comes to us all from time...
It’s that time again! Whether or not you have finalised your house arrangements for next year, you are likely to be living with at least one person you have never co-habited with before. No matter how fond you are of your housemates-to-be, shacking up with them can open a...