Sarah Harris One of my earliest memories of seeing a childbirth scene in a film, was in the Tim Burton classic, Big Fish, where the main character recalls the tale of how he ‘flew’ out of his birth mother and slid across the corridor, eventually being caught by a...
Adam Feeley Amazon Prime has long lived in Netflix’s sizeable shadow. Let’s face it, when it comes to the aptly named ‘streaming wars’ Amazon Prime is rarely mentioned as a force to be reckoned with. I’m sure many people only have Amazon Prime for the shipping, and I don’t...
Tolu Sangowawa Infidelity, mental illness, sexuality, terminal illness and addiction. These are just a few of the real-life issues prevalent in society that BBC soap opera Eastenders has explored and accurately portrayed over the past 36 years. The latest storyline, starring Danny Dyer, focuses on the stigma surrounding male...
Cora-Laine Moynihan Over the past decades a change has occurred. This change began as a singular entity that then became two, three, then four and soon enough it became millions. This change became millions of women breaking into the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to assert their...
Talia Krais What’s on everyone’s lips at the moment. Well of course the new Netflix smash hit Bridgerton alongside the never-ending excitement of lockdown! Jealous of the social interactions taking place in groups bigger than six, viewers of Bridgerton live vicariously through the promenades and parties, royals and rakes,...
Tylah Mofford Binge-watching has certainly boomed over recent months, years even, but with new series such as Disney’s Wandavision debuting weekly, is this coming to an end? For many, getting hooked on a new show on Netflix or elsewhere, has provided essential escapism from the real-world, especially during lockdowns....
Maisie Jane Garvin Pieces of a Woman starring The Crown’s Vanessa Kirby, released on January 7th, was one of Netflix’s first film releases of the new year. It follows a bereaved mother’s year long journey of grief after the loss of her newborn baby. In a story that begins...