Climate change is a serious issue, with arguably the most prominent effect being global warming. This warming is getting increasingly serious as time goes on, with the Earth’s temperature increasing 1°C since 1880, and if the Earth gets warmer by 1.5°C serious irreversible ecological damage will occur. The oceans...
Charlotte Deville Developed by American marriage counsellor Gary Chapman and diffused with his 1992 publication of ‘The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate’, the theory of ‘The Five Love Languages’ has captured popular imagination ever since. In the past decade, the theory has become...
Term has started, and so have boozy socials and fun-fueled nights out! It’s easy to forget to make a meal before, during and after a night out, but future you will be thankful that you remembered to load up on carbs before you hit the club....
Charlotte Deville With 79% of Gen-Z and Millennials agreeing that they would love to partake in a day in the life of locals in the destination they are visiting, there is a greater hunger than ever to ditch the beaten path for a more authentic experience. From pre-trip...
Have you ever arrived at an event only to find that everyone else is either over or underdressed compared to you? The underdressed boyfriend against the overdressed girlfriend is an intriguing dynamic that first appeared on TikTok and has since gained popularity as a meme circulating on social media,...
During the lockdown of 2020, I made the decision to enrol in an online course that focused on building self-confidence. The course instructor emphasised the importance of reflecting on events that might have led to a decrease in self-confidence during one's younger years. Imaan Ahmen explores how this process...
You wake up. It's a chilly autumn morning, you put on your wooliest hat and gloves and your warmest winter jacket, only to walk to university or work and arrive at your destination sweating in 20-degree heat and infuriated at your earlier fashion choices. October so far has seen...