• Fall Fashion: Looks For This Autumn Fall

    Alyana Fatima Every season has a distinctive fashion aesthetic associated with it. This may be due to the weather and temperature that comes along with the season or just the vibes and aesthetic associated with it. Alyana Fatima tells us about the wardrobe must-haves that we need this season…...
  • Why Body Types Shouldn’t Be Trends

    From fat to thin, curves to straight, toned to soft, short to tall: the ideal western female body shape has gone through all variations of shape and size. Just like fashion, these trends have been in and out. Over centuries, these beauty standards have caused mental health problems, and...
  • A woman backpacking in a busy city

    Solo Travelling: Is it Worth it?

    When university work has got the better of you, or your housemates are getting on your last nerve, have you ever dreamt of jetting off on holiday all on your own, without a care in the world? Jacob has - so he did it, and now he's here to...
  • Graffiti depicting animals on their way to various named locations on a train.

    Blundering About on a Budget: A Guide to Cheap Travel for Students

    Wondering how to make your maintenance loan stretch that little bit further, and still 'find yourself' abroad? Jacob has all the tips and tricks you need......
  • Words Carry Weight: Accusations of Fatphobia in Taylor Swift’s Anti Hero Video

    On Friday 21st October, American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift released her highly anticipated 10th studio album, 'Midnights'. However, the music video for the lead single, Anti-Hero, received widespread backlash for accusations of fatphobia. Impact's Christy Clark looks at the arguments and context on both sides....
  • Stress Eating

    Why Do We Stress Eat?

    Stress-eating, known also as emotional eating, is the bane of many people’s lives. It can destroy our relationship with food, gifting us self-hatred and humiliation. Bethan Beddow investigates the causes of this impulse....
  • Love’s Idiot: The Science Behind Falling in Love

    Eva Hughes-Sutton I was 17 years old, five minutes into a deep drunk-chat in the bathroom of a house party (no less) when I asked my friend the age-old question, the one that had burned in the forefront of my mind since I first watched Jack and Rose kiss...