• Eating Scene

    Why Do We Stigmatise Eating With Your Hands?

    Eating with our hands is not a new concept. We can see cutlery within global history as far back as the 1st century Romans having spoons, but what happened before then? Do we expect that the first humans fashioned cutlery out of the tools around them to eat or...
  • Who is Claudette Colvin?

    As part of Black History Month, many of us celebrate the contributions and achievements of those with African and Caribbean heritage. It is a time where we focus on and honour Black people that have made differences in our lives today. One of those people is Claudette Colvin. Izzy...
  • Love at University – Is It Possible To Be In A Relationship At University?

    No matter your degree, the majority of students at university often find themselves subjected to some tough lessons in love. Whether it be a long-distance partner, the friend you’ve accidentally committed 'flatcest' with, a hinge hookup, or someone you’ve met the old fashioned way (a.k.a in real life!), Maddie...
  • Picture of a bar

    A Guide to Nottingham’s Clubs

    Nottingham is a city with a fantastic nightlife. Consistently voted one of the best student cities in the UK, we are spoilt for choice when it comes to our clubs. For a fresher or someone new to clubbing though, the array of choices can be overwhelming. Poppy Read-Pitt gives...
  • Lenton versus Beeston: The Battle of the Postcodes

    “Where are you living next year?” is the age-old first and second-year conversation starter. Even third years enjoy the postcode debate, for they have perfected their argument during their time at UoN. Today, Megan Mahoney will unpack the Lenton v Beeston rivalry, and a winner will triumph. ...
  • Student Cooking

    How to Cook at University

    Hayley Lawson gives extremely helpful advice about how to cook as a student...
  • Cocktails

    Impact Tries: Turtle Bay

    Anna Boyne reviews Turtle Bay's new and refreshed menu for the autumn term. The new drinks will divide opinion......