While you’re sitting in a Starbucks, what is it you see? Aside from the writers pretending to write their first novel and students studying with a hazardous flow of cold brew, perhaps look for the green. No, not the money, nor Starbucks’ logo, but the straws. Straws have become...
For most people, going vegan happens for one, or a combination of, three reasons; to save animals, to help the environment and for personal health. For me, growing up with vegetarian parents, I’d love to say that all three of these factors influenced me from a young age. In...
As a student, one is probably in that ‘adolescent’ bracket of society and thus statistically more likely to engage in activism. Activism is a term which often receives negative connotations, but it simply means actively attempting to achieve a social, economic or political objective. Doing some or all of...
Most teenagers tend to adopt the same diet as their parents when living at home due to convenience and upbringing. However, when these teenagers head off to university they are confronted with a new mix of housemates and differing diets. This, along with their discovery of the price of...
The past few weeks have been busy, full of murmuring clues to say another term is coming to an end. The snowdrops are emerging, making the first steps into the open after a sleepy winter. The wind gusts through Highfields, whipping past Hallward and winding down the hill towards...
This year is the 8th anniversary of the British Science Association’s Science in the Park. It is held at Wollaton Hall, welcomed over 7000 attendees last year, and is absolutely free, meaning there is no excuse for students not to pay it a visit on Saturday. To give you...
It is a reasonable assumption to say that most students want to do their bit to help save the planet. This becomes a little daunting, however, when the world is described as a polluted, unethical, and often unsustainable mess, created by the generations before us and left for us to clear...