From being forced to watch both versions of The Woman in Black during my GCSE’s and spending the greater part of them hidden behind my coat, I started to wonder how my peers could take enjoyment from what I thought to be such a tortuous activity. The idea that...
Spring is in the air and it wouldn’t take David Attenborough to notice a change in the environment at UoN: takeaway coffees are the staple accessory, the hour of the day is becoming irrelevant and you’re venturing into the darkest realms of the library to root out the fifth...
Watching Channel 4’s Child Genius will guarantee you three things: an unhealthy obsession with Richard Osman, a record-breaking blow to your self-esteem and enough drama to permit a year’s hiatus of TOWIE. In its sixth season, the show has excelled in its provisions and – while Richard will never...
This year is the first year that the University of Nottingham has officially recognised Suicide Awareness Week. Impact explains the significance and importance of this event, and explains to you places to seek help. Mental health and YOUR well-being are so important. Contact Samartians: 116 123 Contact CALM: 0800...
The appearance of adverts next to controversial YouTube videos has once again raised the issue of social media as a propagator of unsafe content. After reviewing where their adverts were being used, big name brands, including Nestle and Kellogg’s, found their adverts being associated with anti-vaccination channels. Needless to...
Veganuary, veganism – it’s everywhere! Whilst milk, after all, is meant for calves and animals are being mistreated, it is easier said than done to go vegan after seeing one, most likely, sponsored Youtuber talk about it for fifteen minutes. However, you don’t have to go vegan to help...
We all know about the climate crisis. If you have not yet heard, the planet is warming, the animals are dying, and we only have twelve years to prevent a cataclysm. But there are simple changes you can make to have a huge impact on your planet. Water bottles...