Darting across non-existent lanes and weaving messily between vehicles, our taxi narrowly misses passing trucks whose tarpaulin shells billow fiercely in the wind – sprouting wings from their bodies as if at any moment they may take flight. My first sight of the Malaysian countryside, my new home for...
On Monday 8th of June, the UK imposed a new self-quarantine rule for travellers entering the country. All passengers arriving into the UK, including British nationals, will now have to self-isolate for 14 days at a fixed address or face a fine of up to £1000 (in England). But...
Demonstrations across the UK have been sparked in protest of the unlawful murder of the African American man, George Floyd, while in police custody. For the fourth weekend running, Black Lives Matter marches are continuing globally and nationally, in London, Nottingham, Manchester and Cardiff. “This disproportionate figure exemplifies the...
Our first trip venturing outside the gates of Univillage, our university accommodation in Semenyih, entailed nine newly found friends adventuring to the tropical island of Tioman, Malaysia. Contains content some readers may find disturbing. After a lengthy journey involving an hour taxi ride to Kuala Lumpur, a five-hour night...
Covid-19 created a ban on unnecessary travel; everyone’s consumption of energy, petrol, air miles, and sea miles dropped dramatically, reducing everyone’s carbon footprint. In mid-February, China was reporting a 25% drop in emissions; in mid-March, New York showed carbon monoxide had reduced by nearly 50% compared to last year....
The place is Thailand’s Samutprakarn Crocodile Farm and Zoo. The year is 2018. An emaciated four-year-old elephant stands in the bowels of a performance stadium with an untreated gash on his temple. One of his legs is bent and heavily swollen; the other is chained to a wall. His...