Famous for the place of worship of the Pope and the Catholic Church, Vatican City, situated in Rome has over 25,000 tourists visiting daily. The Sistine Chapel, originally known as the Cappella Magna, was restored between 1477 and 1480 by Pope Sixtus IV and was thus named after him....
The topic of climate change is at the heart of recent discussions, as world leaders from over 190 countries met in Paris at the UN Conference and an estimated 70,000 people marched in London to raise awareness of global warming. Our carbon emission is no longer a problem, but...
Whilst abroad students have to think more carefully about spending money. All of a sudden, the commonly used overdraft is not always an option. So here are some tips to help save money when spending a year or semester abroad: Visit the local bank – One of the first...
Canada: the land of cold winters, Niagara Falls, Drake and Justin Bieber, it is ranked one of the best places to live in the world, with highest quality of life, education and freedom comparably to other countries in the world. As part of my course American Studies and English,...
Tehran, the capital city of Iran, is a city that should be on everyone’s bucket list. With such a rich history and culture, Tehran has something for everyone. From visiting the vast array of museums and palaces to finding a bargain at the grand bazaars, it is unlike any...
Tokyo’s rich history began approximately five centuries ago, when the Shoguns moved their base from Kyoto to Tokyo. The new strategic position, originally named Edo, became the centre of politics and culture in Japan, and remained secluded from the rest of the world. During that time, distinctive types of...
“Your year abroad is what you make it” is a phrase often repeated by lecturers before their students embark on a semester, or a year, abroad. Whilst this sounds clichéd, upon starting a year abroad, everyone quickly learns that putting in the effort with the language and the culture...