ITV's most recent drama, Mr Bates vs The Post Office, has been dominating recent news coverage as the network's latest production has captivated the public. The story follows the events of The Post Office scandal, in which the company accused former sub-postmasters and sub-postmistresses of being responsible for financial...
Junior doctors across the country have walked out for the tenth time since last year due to pay disputes. This has resulted in at least 113,779 appointments and surgeries being cancelled at the busiest time of the year for the NHS, and the rearrangement of more than 1.3 million...
On December 4th 2023, the House of Commons voted on the amendment New Clause 27 (NC27), winning the vote 246 to 242....
A landmark hearing beginning on the 11th December will decide whether universities owe a legal duty of care for their students....
On Wednesday, the Chancellor the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt unveiled the government’s Autumn Statement, with what was termed a focus on growth. The inflation reduction to 4.6% announced last week meant that the Conservatives felt there was an opportunity to cut taxes, due to economic headroom....
On 7th November 2023, NHS England reported that many thousands of women in the UK are set to 'benefit' massively from the 'repurposing' of a drug which aims to prevent breast cancer....
ASLEF, the train drivers union, has announced further strike action in the upcoming weeks....