NSFW, written by Lucy Kirkwood, is a play that reinforces feminist views while seriously questioning others. The NNT production comes to life under the directing eye of Natalie Henderson, who does justice to the more serious topics raised without sacrificing Kirkwood’s bawdy humour. NSFW is set across two offices...
  • Vaginal Discharge @ NNT

    NNT’s Vaginal Discharge, written and directed by Florence Bell investigates the lives of four ordinary people seeking to understand their own as well as societies set of values and opinions. This was the first time I’d ever been to the NNT on campus, so I didn’t really know what...
  • Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency @ NNT

    Eccentric, random and unusually funny, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency tells the story of private investigator Dirk Gently who re-friends past university student, Richard MacDuff, to help solve the death of Richard’s magazine-owning boss, Gordon Way (Callum Walker). Written by James Goss and Arvind Ethan David, Dirk Gently’s Holistic...
  • Cogito Ergo Bum @ NNT

    A witty, rough-round-the-edges tale of two young men and their desire to reach the heady heights of Top of the Pops, Cogito Ergo Bum tells the story of Mike (Sam Morris) and Tony (Jack Lahiff), two flatmates in 90s England. Their life-long dream (for about a week) is to...
  • Salomé @ NNT

    What lengths would you go to be with the one you love? Set in Ancient Judea, Salomé portrays the tragic events surrounding its namesake princess and the dangers of desire. The beautiful Salomé finds herself constantly watched and coveted by her step-father, the Tetrarch Herod. “Herod promises her anything...
  • Lysistrata @ Lakeside Arts

    The sixth collaboration between Lakeside Arts and Nottingham New Theatre presents a hilarious take on Alan Sommerstein’s translation of Lysistrata. The play incorporated singing, dancing, water pistols and even plastic penises, that kept the audience laughing from start to finish. Five years ago, Lakeside Arts and Nottingham New Theatre...
  • Holes @ Nottingham Playhouse

    Stanley Yelnats is unlucky, a family trait which he puts down to his pig-stealing ancestor. He is so unlucky that he has been arrested for a crime he didn’t commit and sent to a camp from hell. What ensues is a magical, vibrant, almost fablelike adventure spanning over a...