Familiar yet innovative, Bill Kenwright’s production of The Sound of Music provides a fresh take on the timeless classic. The play is engaging and capitalizes on the nostalgia of the story with great charisma. The music is the best compliment to the marvelous efforts of the actors with an...
At first, Louise Orwin’s play might strike an audience as a play that is unfinished, or in need of development perhaps, but it will quickly dawn upon you that its state of under-development is the whole point. Louise called her show a ‘live film-making experiment’ and, after all, according to...
Funny, tense and in places downright surprising, Nottingham Playhouse’s revival of Anthony Shaffer’s Sleuth is full of twists and turns that will leave you yearning for more even after the curtain falls. A masterful manipulation of tension and intrigue, this play is one of the best I have ever...
Emma Bentley’s production To She or Not to She is a fun-filled one woman show all about Shakespeare and feminism. Performed in an intimate studio space at the New Theatre, Bentley takes her audience on a journey through her own experiences of sexism within the theatre industry. Performed at last year’s...
Ahead of its running at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival, University of Nottingham 2015 Medics Graduate Aaron Calvert returned to UoN to perform a preview of his show Decisions. Impact Arts set out to review the hypnotic psychological show… The thing about these kind of shows – magic, mentalist, illusionist –...
“Gatsby believed in the green light”, and clearly so does The Great Gatsby: Work in Progress – a cast that have equally put their heart and soul into their work. With 1920’s costumes, music and even dancing, the play distinctly captures the carefree life-style of New York and America in...
With an intriguing title, and due to not knowing what lay ahead, it was with trepidation that the members of a sold-out and overflowing audience entered the production’s performance space – the intimate, black box of Studio A for this one-off performance of Sisyphus’s Safari. Faced with a mattress...