In 2008, the Metropolitan Police shut down one of its undercover units known as the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS). The individuals of the SDS were tasked with infiltrating highly dangerous activist groups and relaying useful information to prevent heinous acts of criminality such as sit ins and acoustic covers...
‘It’s a girl’ – the words that both open and end director Sally Cookson’s stage vision of Jane Eyre. In my opinion, there couldn’t be a more apt way of rounding up Charlotte Brontë’s well known tale. Jane’s journey from powerless child to strong, spirited, independent woman in this...
As a Harry Potter fanatic, when Waterstones unveiled their Night of Spells on Thursday 4th February, a celebration of all things Hogwarts related, it would have been a magical mistake to not go along and take part. Nineteen years after the bespectacled hero hit our bookshelves, Waterstones Nottingham truly...
Nottingham came out in full force to see its Philharmonia Orchestra play Mozart and Mahler on Friday, with the concert hall packed, including the choir stalls. The evening featured the conductor, Lahav Shani, also as a concerto pianist, and sometimes the two roles were merged simultaneously. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart...
Based on a children’s novel by Jacqueline Wilson, Hetty Feather is a show for all ages. With humour, heartache, and at times a horrendous temper, Phoebe Thomas’ Hetty is the glue that holds together a strong team of six actors, as they present this incredible story. Thomas not only brings Hetty...
‘Shakespeare was big, but Dickens was bigger’ were the words which summarised the opening song of this production, which encapsulated the four-person troupe’s adoration of Mr Charles Dickens. Entering the auditorium, a screen with a cartoon of the author’s face (complete with moving eyes) watched the audience. As the...
Who ever thought that a Russian novel published in 1966 could be updated into such a hilarious, yet blood-curdling stage production in the University of Nottingham’s very own New Theatre? Directed by Felicity Chilver, The Master and Margarita is a 145 minute roller-coaster production that takes us to the...