The final film to grace the silver screen at the Nottingham International Film Festival was the Polish drama Rage (originally titled W?ciek?o??), directed by Michal Wegrzyn. Set in contemporary Warsaw, Rage follows one traumatic evening in the life of Adam (Jakub Swiderski), an arrogant, privileged, young TV journalist. Something...
Since its debut in 2006, Death Note has become one of the most successful and well-known animes worldwide. It is therefore unsurprising that director Adam Wingard made the decision to create a feature-length production based upon the original Japanese work. Yet the term ‘based on’ must be used loosely,...
It’s a funny time for a biopic about Morrissey. A former symbol of youthful angst, isolation, and quiet rebellion, Morrissey is now better known for courting controversy. Like most figures loved by young people, he’s become everything you’d rather avoid. England Is Mine would love to take fans back...
Three. Two. One. Mark. Christopher Nolan has taken his shot at the war film genre. ‘Dunkirk’ requires proper recognition as something that, for the most part, could be a timeless piece. Between Tom Hardy flying soundly in the Supermarine Spitfire-fighter aircraft (as a Royal Air Force pilot) and Hans...
As Netflix’s newest film offering, Okja, directed by Joon-ho Bong, came with a lot of expectations. The trailers suggested a typical Samson versus Goliath story, with the twist of a giant CGI pig-hippo combo, which left some feeling cold, though thankfully the film exceeds all expectations. It has been...
If anyone out there still hasn’t seen Wonder Woman, I have some words of advice: go watch it. Coming from someone who has never seen a DC-related TV-series or film, Wonder Woman is amazing, and rivals plenty of its Marvel counterparts. With a cast based heavily around strong female...
We are nearing the finish line, with Children of Men as the next film to stand as one of the 21st Century’s 10 Greatest Films… Children of Men is a brilliantly directed political tour de force that envisages a prophetic 2027 Earth in the apocalypse. It depicts a world...