The six-part adaptation struggles somewhat to convey the intricacies of the tight plot, but more than makes up for it with gripping performances. “A tense and subtle thriller” The Little Drummer Girl, a recent BBC/AMC mini-series based on the 1983 John le Carré spy novel, is a tense and subtle...
There have always been disputes between factions of the feminist movement, ranging from issues including what ‘gender equality’ actually means and how this can realistically be achieved. Pornography has been a contradictory issue between feminists since the late 1970s; with pro-porn feminists claiming it is liberating for women whilst...
Victoria’s Secret was founded in 1977 with a mission to change the fashion of the time for women to wear simple and ‘pragmatic’ underwear, and to leave anything more elaborate for special occasions like honeymoons and anniversaries. One of the objectives was originally to ensure that every woman, upon...
Released into a climate of uncertainty and simmering tensions, Spike Lee’s Klan based comedy-drama is a funky and significant interrogation of the nation’s definitive cultural conversation. Lee is a filmmaker whose career has been dominated with issues of race, cultural heritage and the role of the African-American experience in...
As exam season begins to sneak along the horizon like the creepy lion from the Teletubbies, there is once again a whole plethora of films on offer. If you’re in the mood to cry, then Andrew Haigh follows his critically acclaimed 2015 film 45 Years with Lean on Pete,...