“Did you see it coming?” I was asked by an Impact colleague; no it was shocking, but less surprising is that at number 23 on IMDb’s Top 250, The Usual Suspects (1995) is a fan favourite and considered one of the best crime films to date. Not knowing a lot about the...
Upon first watching the trailer for Paul Thomas Anderson’s newest film, Inherent Vice, viewers can be excused for feeling confused. Based on Thomas Pynchon’s novel of the same name, the audience is introduced to Larry Sportello, known as “Doc” (Joaquin Phoenix), a Private Detective commissioned by his ex (Katherine...
The tenth instalment in their Cinematic Universe, Guardians of the Galaxy is a momentous accomplishment for Marvel Studios’ perpetually expanding franchise. This is more so due to the film’s ambition to adapt a cosmic comic that is distant and unique from previous superhero films, rather than the film’s actual efficacy....