Brimming, as ever, with bagsful of quirkiness and colour, Isle of Dogs has all the trapping of yet another Wes Anderson classic. The American auteur’s second stop motion animated feature, following 2005’s aptly named Fantastic Mr Fox, Isle of Dogs also focuses its story on the anxieties of the...
Channel 4’s latest sci-fi offering has been the new Electric Dreams, a series of standalone episodes based on the work of famous writer Philip K. Dick. It comes only a couple of years after the release of The Man in the High Castle, another of Philip K. Dick’s works,...
It’s awards season again, and the Oscars are fast approaching! So far we’ve only heard the nominations but it’s already brought about much controversy. With the current debate, IMPACT asked its contributors, in an ideal world, who would they like to win the golden man? Best Picture If we’re going for ‘old-fashioned technical...
Trumbo tells the tale of Dalton Trumbo: acclaimed screenwriter of The Brave One, Spartacus and Roman Holiday, who was blacklisted and imprisoned in the United States in 1947 for his affiliation with the Communist Party at the height of the Red Scare in America. As with Spike Lee’s Malcolm...
‘I am the one who knocks’. Even if you’ve never heard of Walter White, chances are you know his catchphrase. My first encounter occurred during year one of University. Whilst looking for posters to fill my empty room, I came across a certain goateed bald-man, accompanied by a specific quote…. At this...