Sony’s latest attempt to steal market share away from the MCU sees reporter Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) discover the aliens known as symbiotes. He and his psychotic alter-ego face off against the Life Foundation and its CEO Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed), who seek to abuse the symbiotes, a power...
Following the death of his father, King T’Challa returns home to the isolated and technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda. Here he must defend his right to both the throne and the mantle of Black Panther, from foes both at home and abroad, and must make a decision that...
Thor, stripped of his famed hammer Mjolnir, finds himself stranded on the edge of the galaxy. There he must assemble a team of fellow heroes to rescue Asgard from the clutches of Hela, goddess of death, and prevent Ragnarok, the annihilation of his home. “The Thor films have, up...