• TV Shows To Destress With After Exams

    Exam season can be extremely stressful, turning night into day and days into what seems like inescapable hell. Thus, when the last submission has finally been sent off or when you take your first step out of your exam hall there’s likely to be stress and frustration still in...
  • Let’s Meditate on this: Recommendations on Meditation for Beginners and Whether it’s Worth Your Time

    In our daily lives there is lots to be stressed and anxious about, particularly at university. Whether it be deadlines, friendship problems, annoying housemates or even homesickness, it can be hard to not feel overwhelmed sometimes....
  • Resting your Weary Head on Campus

    We can all agree that uni can get a bit much at times. If it's not workload, it's your irritating housemates, the dirty kitchen, the lack of home-cooked food, missing your dog, 'hangxiety' or the suffocating feeling of regret from the night before looming over you. Whatever it is,...
  • Playlist: Deadline De-Stress

    With only a few weeks left of term, we’ve generously gone and collated a selection of soothing, inspiring, or angst-ridden tracks into our Deadline De-Stress playlist, so as to help you overcome any stage of your coursework-related agonies. Whether you need to cool down after a particularly laborious session,...