• Brexit and travel: The effect on Brits and EU students who wish to study abroad

    For British citizens, news came recently that the UK would be on the visa-free list after Brexit, meaning that Brits and Europeans alike would be eligible for short stays of up to 90 days either side of the English channel. However, this does not mean that people will reap...
  • 3, 2, 1… Affirmative Action

    Affirmative action (also known as positive discrimination in the UK) is a system whereby members of groups known to have been previously discriminated against are given preferential treatment in the employment or education process. This can be in the form of quotas, or just employer/recruiter making their decision with...
  • Inclusivity: Can you paint with all the colours of Disney?

    The first fully animated Disney film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was released in 1937. Being released two years prior to World War II means that the film reflects very different societal values and attitudes to todays. Thankfully, we now have characters like Merida in Brave who are...
  • A Look at Diversity in the Oscars 2018

    This year’s (slightly belated) Oscars are almost upon us! For me, this usually means finding something yellow-goldish to wear, getting my friends to come over, and eat inexcusable amounts of popcorn until four or five in the morning. While all these Oscar rituals that I have going are mad...
  • Doctor Who’s Feminist Agenda

    Doctor Who revealed their casting of a female Doctor in July last year. I’m sure, Whovian or not, you’ll join me in my reaction: “about time”. Finally, the BBC show has broken the metaphorical glass TARDIS. Jodie Whittaker stepped into the time-traveller’s shoes after Peter Capaldi bowed out of...
  • #NewVogue

    This month marked a special occasion for Vogue. While those who read this fashion bible may consider every first Friday of the month a cause for celebration, this week’s issue was particularly significant because it marked the beginning of Edward Enninful’s Vogue era. The new age of Vogue. For...
  • The Public’s Lost Love with Dove

    Dove, the brand of women, sensitivity, strength and inclusiveness. Dove has spent over a decade achieving through their ‘Real Beauty’ campaign. Real women and real ideals are concepts coined by Dove to encourage us to embrace our natural selves and get rid of the stigma in society telling us...