Brimming, as ever, with bagsful of quirkiness and colour, Isle of Dogs has all the trapping of yet another Wes Anderson classic. The American auteur’s second stop motion animated feature, following 2005’s aptly named Fantastic Mr Fox, Isle of Dogs also focuses its story on the anxieties of the...
Birdman is a film like no other. It’s the type of experience that will have you leaving the cinema dissecting and discussing what it was about, and wondering how such a technical feat was achieved. It’s a triumph that everyone, from the sublime ensemble cast to the miracle-working cinematographer Emmanuel...
Christmas. It’s a bit overwhelming isn’t it? For us to make a commentary on the commercialisation of what is meant to be a religious celebration wouldn’t necessarily leave you feeling philosophised though. So instead, for the fourth Anti-Advent Calendar, we’ll leave it to David Fincher’s Fight Club to punch the point...
“When you have insomnia you’re never really asleep, and you’re never really awake.” If that sounds overfamiliar, you’re either living in a perpetual state of sleep deprivation, or you’ve just already seen Fight Club before. If the former, not the latter is true, then being a member of Fight...
As Sin City: A Dame to Kill For storms style first into UK theatres, our writers recognise some of the finest films of neo-noir cinema. Blade Runner The archetypal neo-noir, Ridley Scott’s adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is extremely prescient. 32 years after...