• “Long But Highly Impactful”- Film Review: Benediction

    Released on 20th May 2022, Terence Davies’ Benediction is a war/drama film following the story of famous poet, Siegfried Sassoon. Sassoon was inspired to write poetry after his return from the battlefields, and his entrance into the literary/stage world of London; he became a vocal critic of the war,...
  • “Not Exactly Meeting Its Potential”- Film Review: Don’t Look Up

    In this satirical look at climate change, the government, and the media, Adam McKay throws a star-studded cast into the apocalypse. Charlie Maris reviews....
  • Sex On Film: Necessary Or Superfluous?

    Tim Ovenden Whether you’re singular or a mingler this Valentine’s Day, Tim Ovenden propounds you read on. A question will be asked: sex scenes – yay or no way? One thing’s clear, this could get racy. Picture the scene. You’re sat around the box with the fam tucking into...
  • Movie Runtimes: How Long Is Too Long?

    Tim Gosling How long is too long? Does length matter? How long should it last? No, this isn’t an advisory sexual health page (although if it was, my answers to all three would be ‘it depends’). No, instead, Tim Ovenden examines the running times of movies, hoping to conclude...
  • Film VS The Novel: What Is The Ultimate Form Of Storytelling?

    Orla Newstead As a species, we have told stories for as long as we have been able to communicate. From cave drawings right up until the silver screen, storytelling is as old as language itself. Be it in a novel or in a film, stories can transport us into...
  • Could A Video Game To Film Adaptation Ever Work?

    Daria Paterek After the recent release of the Uncharted trailer, I wanted to reflect on the legacy and commercial success of video game to film adaptations. Super Mario Bros was the first movie based on a video game, which began a long legacy of video game adaptations. This later spawned...
  • More Than Looks: An Investigation Into Capturing A Person’s Essence

    Victoria Mileson In light of Kristen Stewart playing the late Princess Diana in the upcoming film, Spencer, Victoria Mileson looks at what goes into playing a real-life person. Although the first thing we notice about a character is often their appearance, an authentic performance relies on so much more...