The Interview is the second comedy in the directorial partnership of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, longtime friends and writing partners known for their collaborations on Superbad, This Is the End, and most recently, Bad Neighbours. James Franco plays TV host Dave Skylark alongside Rogen as his producer, Aaron Rapoport, who is informed that...
The fourth chapter in the Jurassic franchise takes place 22 years after the events of Spielberg’s original 1993 blockbuster, Jurassic Park. We see the dreams of John Hammond have come to fruition, as Isla Nublar is now the world’s first operational dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World. We view the...
In the third instalment of Night at the Museum, we will see Ben Stiller with our favourite historical figures and artefacts come alive, but this time, in London. This latest trailer gives the lovers of the previous two films another reason to watch the madness of history unfold once again....
As Katniss Everdeen, Jennifer Lawrence fires her way into UK cinemas this week in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1. Our writers celebrate by discussing the finest film roles the actress has taken on. Agnes – The Poker House The Poker House features Jennifer Lawrence in her first leading...
Ethan Hawke appears to get some character expansion in this follow-up trailer to the upcoming science fiction thriller Predestination. The start of the latest look seems to establish that The Bartender (Hawke) was horrifically scarred by a bomb set off by the movie’s main antagonist, The Fizzle Bomber. Performing some time travelling...
Ouija is Hasbro’s first outing into the horror genre, and sadly, it shows. From a predictable plot, one-dimensional characters and an atrocious ending that seems to beg for a sequel, there is nothing new that the film offers. In fact, if it wasn’t for the constant jump scares, most...
Commemorating the month of Movember, we’ve compiled a short list of the five most magnificently memorable movie moustache and beard styles in order to raise awareness for, and help change the face of men’s health. The Toothbrush Moustache Wearer: Charlie Chaplin as The Little Tamp First Appearance: Kid Auto Races...